On Monday, June 25, 2018, a delegation from the University of Zakho, headed by Dr. Shakir M. Rasheed- Department of Mathematics (University of Zakho), Dr. Naseem Abdel - Physics (University of Zakho) and Dr. Dara Maghdid – Mathematics (Soran University), visited Lund University- Sweden in order to discuss the possibility of implementing a cooperative Geomathematics project. The meeting took part in the office of Prof. Claus Führer school of Mathematics -Lund university- Sweden. The participants were : 1. Prof. Claus Führer- Mathematics Center (Lund University). 2. Prof. Dr. Hemin A. Koyi – Geology /Department of Earth Sciences (Uppsala University) by Skype. 3. Dr. Abdulghani Hasan - hydrology and GIS (SMHI - Norrköping). 4. Dr . Shakir M. Rasheed - Mathematics (University of Zakho). 5. Dr. Naseem Abdel - Physics (University of Zakho). 6. Dr. Dara Maghdid - Mathematics (Soran University). They discussed the possible ways to implement the project of developing courses in Geomathematics in Kurdistan region -Iraq, which is a cooperative project between the universities of Zakho and Soran, approved and funded by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Kurdistan. The discussions have produced a new vision of how to accelerate the steps of succeeding this project. The participants have also suggested narrowing the subject of Geomathematics and focusing only on Geophysics and the mathematical applications in this field. It is worth mentioning that the staff of the project will be chosen from Kurdistan universities depending on their experience in the field of Geophysics. In conclusion, the project will focus on the subject of Geophysics then it will be officially announced for both universities (University of Zakho and Soran) by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Kurdistan region. Moreover, the whole Process will be designed under the supervision of experts from Sweden universities (Lund and Uppsala University).